Posted in #uccblog

April’s Fool

Exactly two months since our last post. We may have died, if anyone had cared. And it felt great, to have just disappeared for a while, without the pressure, or care, of being judged.

It was a good two months of pause, at least for me.

These two months, I have lived it more intentionally than any of the rest of my life. And with clear intentions, decisions happened easier, stress was managed with a skip and a hop. And in all my life, I don’t think I have loved myself more – through just focusing on me, how I was feeling, what I was thinking, what I was doing.

It sounds selfish, as the entire focus is on me. I have come to realise, that the amount of space I give myself, will essentially impact the amount of space I can provide for others. I have grown lighter (not physical weight) and less burdened. I have gained more confidence, though I am still reflective, still looking into what I did, and why I did it,

My “Why” has gotten clearer, and I breathe easy. I feel more ready to step forth, feel braver to face the world.

You may call me a fool, to be filled with this renewed optimism and enthusiasm. Please allow me to bask in the moment, and savour the sweetness of it. Allow me this memory, to absorb, how it feels like, to be loved by myself.