Posted in #uccblog

A month of running…

Running a routine,

Running a sequence of exercise to keep fit;

Keeping the momentum and discipline,

Getting my life together again.


Running away from emotion,

Running away from thinking,

Running away from people, as they are the scariest;

They keep me second guessing.


I am tired of running,

I give up on the momentum and discipline;

My fitness goes downhill again,

And I go on an emotional downward spiral.


Picking myself back up,

Making a decision to pause, breathe, decide;

Life is a roller-coaster ride,

And only I can decide how I want the ride to look like.


I can choose to make it scary,

I can choose to run and hide;

I can take a deep breath in, and let it out,

And bravely march on, into the cool cool night.


I choose how to respond,

And I choose to respond through action;

No point arguing, justifying, and blaming,

Too much negative energy.


I choose to take a day at a time,

Getting back into routine,

Picking up momentum and discipline;

Learning to love myself all over again.