Posted in #uccblog


I set out on 2016, with the spirit of adventure, saying yes to every challenge that came my way, stepping up to the occasion even when it felt uncomfortable.

It served me well into November, and that’s where I tumbled, again… hurt, angry, frustrated… not good enough, how much harder do I need to try, I am tired…

I took the past 1.5 months of being mostly in reflection: what happened, why did it happen, how did it happen… and though I hoped to talk it through with the parties involved, they seemed more pre-occupied with what they needed to address in their own lives. And that’s when I figured, I can’t force them; I can only manage myself.

So I decided to work on myself, and areas that I needed to make a difference or a change.

So for 2017, I will:

  • Work on 2 areas: being more assertive and practice being more flexible – that would also mean, that I need to be clearer with communicating my intentions, concerns and discomforts, and yet be open with how others might think and/or feel too
  • Give 0 excuses / reasons for not getting things done – something that I have done in 2016, and worth following through for 2017 – stop talking, just do
  • Take 1 additional day off a week, to spend time with myself, doing the things I want to do, to support me in finding work-life balance – be it exercising, reading, spending time in nature, spending time alone
  • Further develop/build relationships with 7 people in my life – and that means spending quality time with each other, and not the quantity of time

Have an awesome 2017, friends!


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