Posted in #uccblog

In Action / Inaction – Just a space away

You must have noticed the change, the difference in which our blog is taking.

The previous articles followed an alphabetical word theme, while this weekend’s sharing has varied. And it was a conscious decision that we (well, most of us) came to, when we met for dinner about two weeks ago… The decision to allow ourselves more creativity, to more room, more space to express our thoughts.

And a difference a space makes! I believe it felt more liberating, and more free-flowing, allowing thoughts to come, and go, and just… Flow… 🙂 just read the articles, and the energy from them, are just… Different… 🙂

And then there’s me.

Somehow, that difference in approach to this blog threw me off my momentum. Somehow, it felt like I was not inspired, and yet, inspired all the time. And thus, I am here, writing way past my peers in the team, still figuring out how I will move forward now that we seem to be theme-less. Such an irony, when freedom is provided. Instead of liberation, I found myself stuck.

Then comes the crux. Do I act, or do I allow myself in the cycle of dilemma? Being “In Action” and being “Inaction” is also just a space away, as a friend reminded this morning.

We choose the space we want to work in, to operate from. Space, taken literally, would be the work space, the home, the room, the table. Space, taken in a more abstract form, simply means the mindset, the attitude, the belief.

The belief that I have is, that we can all do something; we can be in action, you and I. The mindset that I have is “It’s ok to want to take a break. It’s ok to say that I am tired. It’s ok to say leave me alone.” That same mindset also includes, “What’s next, when I have rested? What’s the action I will take after I had time to think?” And the attitude is, “I am not alone in this. There are others, who share the same journey. And we will cross paths soon!”

What’s the space you are in now? Where can we go from here? How can we support each other? 🙂